docker Rocket.Chat vs. Mattermost, open-source rivals It is no secret that I love platform (considering they have changed their brand look I will use the same here as well, so the name is in
docker Rocket.Chat - trouble in push paradise? UPDATE 21/10/2020 - Roll out of 5000 pushes/month limit has been postponed until Noveber 16, 2020. For over two years I have been using Rocket Chat as
docker Rocket.Chat - Omnichannel feature > UPDATE: LiveChat feature has been disabled but I have opened an anonymous chat platform for instant chat support. Link in the upper right corner of the main menu In
docker Rocket.Chat - SLACK alternative (with MongoDB as backend) ð¢UPDATE: Added docker-compose for Mongo and Rocket Chat as separate containers âWARNING: Keep in mind that MongoDB 4.4-5.0+ will not work on Pentinum and Celeron CPU type NAS